How to become CEO


Chapters of the book of Jeffrey J. Fox: "How to become CEO - The rules for rising to the top of any organization"

  1. Always take the job that offers the most money
  2. Avoid staff jobs, seek line jobs
  3. Don’t expect the personnel department to plan your career
  4. Get and keep customers
  5. Keep physically fit
  6. Do something hard and lonely
  7. Never write a nasty memo
  8. Think for one hour every day
  9. Keep and use a special “Idea notebook”
  10. Don’t have a drink with the gang
  11. Don’t smoke
  12. Skip all office parties
  13. Friday is “How ya’ doing?” day
  14. Make allies of your peers’ subordinates
  15. Know everybody by their first name
  16. Organize “One line Good job” tours
  17. Make one more call
  18. Arrive 45 minutes early and leave 15 minutes late
  19. Don’t take work home from the office
  20. Earn your “Invitation credentials”
  21. Avoid Superiors when you travel
  22. Eat in your Hotel room
  23. Work, don’t read paperbacks, on the airplane
  24. Keep a “people file”
  25. Send handwritten notes
  26. Don’t get Buddy-Buddy with your superior
  27. Don’t hide an Elephant
  28. Be visible: practice WACADAD
  29. Always take vacations
  30. Always say “yes” to a senior executive request
  31. Never surprise your boss
  32. Make your boss look good, and your boss’s boss look better
  33. Never let a good boss make a mistake
  34. Go to the library one day a month
  35. Add one big new thing to your life every year
  36. Study these books
  37. “Dress for a dance”
  38. Overinvest in people
  39. Overpay your people
  40. Stop, look and listen
  41. Be a flag-waving company patriot
  42. Find and fill the “data gaps”
  43. Homework, homework, homework
  44. Never panic … or lose your temper
  45. Learn to speak and write in plain English
  46. Treat all people as special
  47. Be a credit maker, not a credit taker
  48. Give informal surprise bonuses
  49. Please, be polite with everyone
  50. Ten things to say that make people feel good
  51. The glory and the glamour come after the gruntwork
  52. Tinker, tailor, try
  53. Haste makes waste
  54. Pour the coals to a good thing
  55. But the importance on the bright idea, not the source of the idea
  56. Stay out of office politics
  57. Look sharp and be sharp
  58. Emulate, study and cherish the great boss
  59. Don’t go over budget
  60. Never underestimate an opponent
  61. Assassinate the character assassin with a single phrase
  62. Become a member of the “shouldn’t have club”
  63. The concept doesn’t have to be perfect but the execution of it does
  64. Record and collect your mistakes with care and pride
  65. Live for today, plan for tomorrow, forget about yesterday
  66. Have fun, laugh
  67. Treat your family as your number one client
  68. No goals, no glory
  69. Always remember your subordinates’ spouses
  70. See the job through the salespeople’s eyes
  71. Be a very tough “heller seller”
  72. Don’t be an empire builder
  73. Push products, not paper
  74. To teach is to learn and to lead
  75. Do not get discouraged by the idea killers



Akt. am 04. août 2007